Geriatric meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Geriatric
As noun : पीरसाल
बुढ़ बुढ़ना बूढ़ा उ:   सालों बाद, राधे, अब बूढ़ा और अभी भी आश्रम में है। मुअम्मर वृद्ध संबंधी संपक्व
Geriatric synonyms
gray ancient tired elderly decrepit venerable mature aged veteran fossil versed debilitated exhausted experienced grizzled hoary impaired inactive infirm matured olden seasoned senile skilled superannuated wasted along in years broken down enfeebled getting on gray-haired not young oldish over the hill past one's prime pensioner old-timer patriarch oldster retiree oap elderly person golden-ager old fogey old person old-age pensioner retired person
Geriatric antonyms
young youthful inexperienced current modern up-to-date new green fresh contemporary late recent
Usage of Geriatric in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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