Germination meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Germination
As noun : अंकरोद्भव Ex:  low level of soil germination stratum.
अंकुरण Ex:  One important function of most seeds is delaying germination उ:   प्रत्येक अंकुरण में इसे देख सकते हैं। फुटाव Ex:  90% germination in 20 days, for example.
Other : उद्भेद Ex:  Any dormancy requirements that prevent germination must be over come. उद्भेदन Ex:  The age of the seed affects its health and germination ability
Germination ki paribhasha : manushy ki tin avasthaaon men se ek avastha jo yuvaavastha ke uparaant aur sabake ant men aati hai paani paane ke kaaran phir se hara ho jaana ek prakaar ki ghaas jo nichi bhoomi men hoti hai
Germination synonyms
origin fertilization outset initiation start invention formation inception insemination impregnation launching replication photocopy carbon copy similarity ringer fellow dupe second imitation fake analogue counterfeit copycat repetition reciprocal obverse recurrence mate pirate match clone phony xerox companion parallel likeness ditto correlate double twin counterpart facsimile coordinate chip off the old block dead ringer spitting image duplication knockoff photostat counterscript lookalike repro prosperity success advance hike rise advancement expansion improvement increase production gain surge unfolding crop buildup flowering aggrandizement cultivation boost vegetation proliferation swell enlargement produce augmentation multiplication evolution extension maturing evolvement thickening maturation sprouting widening stretching waxing beefing up fleshing out heightening upping propagation child-bearing gestation
Germination antonyms
ending death conclusion finish being concrete abortion dissimilarity unlikeness enemy opposite reality archetype prototype difference original reverse model loss halt stagnation decrease destruction reduction abridgment compression abatement diminishment lessening failure stop decline worsening underdevelopment
Usage of Germination in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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