Get there meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Get there
As noun : सफल होना Ex:  It does not get there without design
As verb :
परीक्षा को पास करना Ex:  It was said, "wherever American cities are going, Newark will get there first".
Get there ki paribhasha : dekh bhaala, jaaancha, padtaal aajamaaish ya imtahaan lene ki kriya ya kaary
Get there synonyms
do finish score conclude perform win manage reach pull off bring about produce carry out realize achieve hit effect consummate gain fulfill arrive bring off rack up take care of do a bang-up job do justice do one proud do the trick get someplace make hay make it nail it put it over sew up propel accelerate storm progress promote speed march proceed launch drive dispatch elevate conquer skyrocket hasten quicken come forward gain ground get ahead go ahead move up bring forward continue ahead continue on forge ahead get green light get with it go forth go forward go great guns go places go to town make headway make the scene move on move onward press on push ahead push on send forward step forward earn secure obtain reap complete cop unzip acquire procure snag succeed grasp come through accede to arrive at get fat get hands on glom onto latch onto prosecute meet implement enforce enact play render transact administer percolate discharge govern cause administrate hack it polish off deal with bring to fruition do the job do to a t earn wings put into effect put over put through sail through take care of business prove beat reign overcome triumph abound preponderate command master domineer overrule best predominate make out take off be common be current be prevalent be usual be victorious be widespread come out on top exist generally hit pay dirt luck out move out blossom bloom multiply flourish flower augment batten rise bear yield increase benefit fatten get on hit the jackpot do well catch on be enriched bear fruit become rich become wealthy do wonders fare well feather nest grow rich hit it big make a killing make good make mark make money strike it rich turn out well pause brake bring up draw up come to a halt come to a stop fetch up haul up reach a standstill shine develop mushroom boom radiate wax burgeon get places make a go shoot up respond pursue create serve begin undertake function operate persevere maneuver intrude perk practice labor perpetrate preside persist cook officiate carry on go about knock off take up work out do a number get in there go for broke go for it go in for go that route make progress take effect take part take steps transort do one's thing
Get there antonyms
destroy commence forfeit nullify relinquish fail lose miss neglect begin introduce start halt stop leave abandon give up not finish hinder cease retard back down hesitate recede retreat retrogress decrease take back hold keep turn withdraw yield ignore surrender misunderstand desert give in spend hurt depart prevent deny refuse create disregard shirk forget cancel bear follow shrivel wither languish shrink decline continue go lessen stunt discontinue forego abstain refrain idle quit leave alone
Usage of Get there in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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