Gigantic meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Gigantic
As adjective : अतिकाय Ex:  Titanic was of gigantic size.
दीर्घाकार Ex:  He pointed out that gigantic sizes were reached early in sauropod evolution दीर्धाकार Ex:  Owen’s surprising results included gigantic sloths देवों के योग्य Ex:  Fenrir or Fenrisulfr is a gigantic wolf दैत्याकार Ex:  13,000 years ago gigantic Lake Agassiz formed in the northwest उ:   ध्यान से देखने पर उन्हें एक दैत्याकार अजगर दिखा। बहुत बड़ा Ex:  Thereafter came the gigantic Battle of Kursk .
Other : उत्कट Ex:  Immediately Maximinian built several gigantic monuments बहुत बडा Ex:  By 1857 he had produced a gigantic 800 page manuscript on capital भारी भरकम Ex:  A project, a gigantic plan भीम Ex:  gigantic Forms उ:   भीम काम्यक वन नामक राक्षसी वन का राजा था। भीमकाय Ex:  gigantic Pets महाकाय Ex:  gigantic Tree विराट Ex:  Some lizards gigantic lived during the secondary period उ:   इसकी कथा महाभारत के विराट पर्व पर आधारित है। विशाल Ex:  Zoology gigantic fossil Reptile उ:   यह एक विशाल मछली पकड़ने की जगह है। विशालकाय Ex:  , A job, a work of Titan, a job, a gigantic work उ:   बरगद का विशालकाय वृक्ष और अन्य पेड़ों के झुरमुटों बीच मठिया है। स्थूलकाय
Gigantic ki paribhasha : raamaayan ke anusaar raaja ikshvaaku ke putr ka naama, jisane vishaal naam ki nagari sthaapit ki thi shiv ji ka bndi naamak gan aur dvaarapaal raavan ka ek putr jise lakshman ne maara tha
Gigantic synonyms
huge giant colossal monstrous vast enormous immense mammoth massive jumbo gargantuan tremendous herculean blimp brobdingnagian elephantine gross monster prodigious stupendous whopping cyclopean titan moby super-colossal
Gigantic antonyms
dwarf miniature teeny tiny insignificant little minute small miniscule dwarfed
Usage of Gigantic in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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