Give back meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Give back
As noun : प्रतिप्रदान Ex:  They say the same, pronominalement To give back to the care of his business , business
बहोड़ना वापस करना
Give back synonyms
recede withdraw draw back recoil retire retrograde surrender yield retrocede proceed acknowledge feel counter revert perform behave answer reply function return recur rebound work echo reciprocate take boomerang operate backfire bounce back get back at answer back be affected give a snappy comeback have a funny feeling have vibes talk back turn back relinquish adjust reimburse redeem remit repay compensate recoup restore balance indemnify remunerate settle redress recompense reward pay back honor a claim make amends make good make repayment make up for provide distribute deliver minister supply show exchange submit trade present impart tender furnish swap hand over make restitution turn over give up make available part with oust succeed supplant follow recover reinstate regain retrieve supersede shift displace patch substitute ring reestablish alter back up fill in take over from reconstitute front for outplace pinch hit for put back ring in sit in stand in stand in lieu of step into shoes of swap places take out reimbursement kickback rebate discount compensation allowance retribution satisfaction consolation discharge settlement acquittance remuneration give-back give-up money back
Give back antonyms
advance forge forward progress cease refuse halt stop question idle keep forfeit deprive penalize hold take lose withhold conceal hide deny veto suppress obscure fight win seize leave alone remove fail cloud confuse precede damage remain worsen break upset penalty
Usage of Give back in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi 
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