Give rise to meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Give rise to
As noun : का कारण बनना Ex:  Although this in itself won't give rise to a paradox
कारण होना Ex:  The strong winds of the Southern Ocean give rise to correspondingly large waves
Other : से पैदा होना Ex:  It is said in the same direction: Give taken on itself, give rise to criticism, Expose yourself to be taken up, criticized
Give rise to synonyms
sire procreate afford father reproduce propagate multiply progenerate result in hatch impregnate originate deliver bear give birth to bring forth accomplish realize achieve compass do draw on manage secure succeed effectuate make happen accelerate advance expedite precipitate lead to begin muster revert incite motivate compel introduce let kindle kickoff open brainstorm break in break the ice come out with cook up dream up make up work up be at the bottom of fire up get things rolling sow the seeds start the ball rolling think up enforce implement enact conclude actuate buy sell render perform actualize unzip complete invoke procure execute conceive yield initiate consummate fulfill bring off get across turn out carry through do a number do the job do the trick do to a t get to make it make waves pull it off put across turn the trick do one's thing extort wrest wring obtain bring out extract evolve derive rattle exact bite milk evince shake squeeze educe badger bring to light arm-twist call forth put muscle on put the arm on shake down instigate stimulate arouse stir foment develop excite quicken require necessitate encompass involve entangle impose demand recall conjure awaken raise summon rally stir up earn retrieve go for back convey transport tote escort lug conduct shoulder buck ride gun truck heel pack schlepp sell for piggyback be sold for bring back draw forth set up parent found inaugurate institute get up whip up urge activate coax promote persuade convince abet bulldoze cajole sway wheedle influence press sweet-talk impel bring around goose soft-soap steamroll argue into draw in prevail upon sell one on set in motion suck in talk into win over twist one's arm impress embolden touch hearten galvanize affect spark spur animate instill endue elate inflame invigorate infect reassure imbue exalt enkindle exhilarate inspirit infuse inform strike enliven commove be responsible for give impetus give one an idea start off manufacture compose prepare fashion frame invent constitute shape mold construct forge assemble arrange fabricate synthesize adjust brew knock off put together dash off get ready tear off throw together whip out convert propel shift drive push operate agitate suggest submit recommend propose advocate shove budge bring up draw up get going play on put forward tug at work on make for set off indicate help assist prick hint exhort goad refresh remind imply mention jog advise aid egg on sic help out pique electrify whet titillate prime thrill challenge bring down build up roust bestir innervate titivate enthuse innerve suscitate bring to one's feet mother issue lay the foundation of put through set on foot
Give rise to antonyms
destroy halt kill stop fail leave ruin refuse not produce lose prevent delay deter block hinder impede obstruct hide repress end discourage finish close cover keep deny disallow veto ignore neglect give up forget miss overlook placate soothe supress calm wait dull exclude untangle untwist decrease deaden silence stifle suppress quell dissuade shun avoid withhold drop take maintain retain free let go terminate throw away divide break stay leave alone repel lull quiet dishearten enervate please depress bore raze dismantle demolish disperse scatter derange disarrange disorder disorganize demote renounce refute measure tell truth separate confuse crush calculate remain tranquilize slow pause oppose fix result consume act play hurt weaken delight put out disenchant make happy check
Usage of Give rise to in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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