Glitzy meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Glitzy
As adjective : अति चमकदार Ex:  The celebritys wedding was a glitzy affair.
भड़कीला Ex:  Train, glitzy crew
Glitzy synonyms
outright overt flagrant unabashed glaring shameless arrant bald barefaced brassy clear crying flaunting garish gaudy impudent loud meretricious naked obtrusive ostentatious plain prominent pronounced sheer showy snazzy unmitigated unblushing overbold protrusive screaming colorful brilliant deep rich fresh sharp intense brave colored gay psychedelic ruddy tinted hued razzle-dazzle tinged poor bad base bogus cheesy common commonplace crappy dud garbage lousy mangy mean mediocre ordinary paltry ratty raunchy rotten second-rate shoddy sleazy small-time terrible trashy trumpery two-bit valueless white elephant worthless tatty catchpenny cruddy junky no bargain no good rinky-dink rubbishy scroungy salient remarkable striking influential notable celebrated commanding distinguished eminent famed famous illustrious jazzy marked noted notorious outstanding pointed rank renowned signal splashy well-known arresting tony arrestive stick out like sore thumb tacky glittering brazen chintzy florid sparkling tasteless vulgar glittery tinsel beautiful gilded glamorous lavish sumptuous magnificent opulent elegant fancy baroque rococo aureate busy convoluted dazzling elaborate fine flamboyant flowery fussy glossy luscious overdone pretentious resplendent superficial variegated embroidered adorned bedecked high-wrought jeweled ornamented overelaborate informal natty crude dirty gimcrack offensive plastic raffish flaring in poor taste
Glitzy antonyms
concealed hidden moral inconspicuous secret quiet subtle unpronounced silent boring stupid unintelligent indistinct ignorant aboveboard kind dreary somber cloudy dusky murky unaware depressing horrible threatening doleful typical pale pastel plain dull lifeless dark bland tasteless low calm mild moderate obscure black gloomy unpromising depressed unhappy normal light expensive excellent valuable worthy costly dear noble precious priceless superior sophisticated upper unimportant unremarkable imperceptible unseen unknown unnoticeable ordinary tasteful drab subdued unobtrusive modest simple unflamboyant unflashy ungaudy unsophisticated offensive ugly poor nice
Usage of Glitzy in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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