Guess meaning in hindi - Guess का मतलब हिंदी में

Guess meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Guess
As noun : अंदाजा लगाना Ex:  My friend, Nima, is so precocious in her talks that no one is able to guess her age.
अनजाद Ex:  Can you guess who will win this seat. अनुमान लगाना Ex:  I can second guess who is going to come first in this debate. अनुमान Ex:  everyone else's computer works just fine, but mine is broken. i guess that's the luck of the draw. उ:   वह अनुमान और शास्त्र से गम्य है। अनूमान Ex:  I guess I was at the top of my game last year . अन्दाजा लगाना Ex:  I guess I brushed against Walter as I walked by . इंदिया Ex:  I'm just not a very good singer, I guess . एस्टिमेट Ex:  I guess my genes give me gray hair . केवल्वयतिरेकी Ex:  How you been? Sue: Okay, I guess . कोवलान्वयी Ex:  I guess it's going to rain . गददा Ex:  I guess I really messed it up . जान लेना Ex:  I guess I slipped up on that last job . तजवीज Ex:  I guess that I take a lot of things for granted . ताड जाना Ex:  Well, I guess she was right . ताड‌़ लेना Ex:  I guess I'm too outspoken". ताड़ जाना Ex:  I guess it was an easy target. तुक्का मारना Ex:  It is not difficult to guess which newspaper Rowling gives him to read ". मान लेना Ex:  We guess that they are coming from our neighbouring planet . राय Ex:  By bringing all the circumstances of his conduct, we guess the purpose उ:   राय को जीवन में अनेकों पुरस्कार और सम्मान मिले। रिमार्क Ex:  Description of a thing by qualities that suit them but are given a rather ambiguous for make it more or less difficult to guess समुन्नय Ex:  He also said employees Ways to guess and predict
As verb : अन्दाज़ लगाना Ex:  I guess I'll cash my chips in and go home .
Other : अभ्यूह Ex:  I guess I will have to do without dinner . गुमान Ex:  I guess I was in the house when you rode up . भांप लेना Ex:  Art pretended to guess the future by means of the air and aerial phenomena
Guess ki paribhasha : snmaan ki ek upaadhi nyaay ke anusaar pramaan ke chaar bhedo men se ek
Examples Words that rhyme with guess
Guess synonyms
presumption conjecture inference hunch prediction supposition theory assumption hypothesis opinion guesswork feeling judgment conclusion deduction surmise shot postulate presupposition notion postulation suspicion fancy stab estimate reckoning induction divination view ballpark figure shot in the dark guesstimate supposal surmisal sneaking suspicion speculate divine calculate suggest pretend fathom think suppose presume solve believe predicate deduce deem select hypothesize suspect opine hazard chance judge penetrate theorize reason survey venture pick work out dare say go out on a limb happen upon jump to a conclusion lump it size up take a shot at take a stab at think likely
Guess antonyms
reality knowledge measurement truth fact proof certainty calculation ignore abstain misunderstand disbelieve refuse reject prove neglect question wonder
Usage of Guess in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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