Guise meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Guise
As noun : अँतरपट Ex:  under the guise of friendship he betrayed them
अंतरपट Ex:  The police were in the guise of traders. अंतरपाट Ex:  He deceived in appearance friendship, under the guise of friendship अड़ड़ Ex:  His pride lies beneath them out, in the guise of humility अपवारक Ex:  It fulfills all these betrayals under the guise of friendship, under the cover of the interest he claims to carry us अपह्नृति Ex:  It is also said in a practiced Mine under the bastions and under the guise of a place to blow up the enemies should they housed therein आड़ Ex:  It s 'has made himself master of the case under the guise of serving the आरूक Ex:  Minerva, hidden in the guise of Mentor उज्त्र Ex:  The Vice mask often under the guise of virtue ओल्ह Ex:  These odious persecution took place under the guise of justice कूटवेष Ex:  This happened postage-free under the guise of the Minister केनिपात, केनिपातक Ex:  We can not count the metamorphoses of this adventurer, we saw alternately in the guise of a gentleman, a dancer, an actor, financial, etc खलकाना Ex:  , A hypocrite who hides under the guise of devotion चूँचरा चूरही चेटकनो चेरि, चेरी छद्मवेष झोँट टालमटूल टिल्जेबाजी ढँढरच दृष्टिरोध निह्नवन प्रत्थुपमान फेरफार बहाना बितंड बेआज मोचना रसाना रालना रूप उ:   १९३५ में इसे एक शहर का रूप मिला। रूपरंग वर्प वेष उ:   उसमें वेष परिवर्तन की प्रवृति होती है। श्रवना श्रावना समापादन स्वांगवेश
Other : बानक बाना भेष Ex:  Pharmacy own substance to dissolve, to incorporate some drugs to make them comparable or disguise the taste उ:   वर्षों बाद कुणाल अशोक की सभा में एक संगीतज्ञ के भेष में पहुँचे। वेश Ex:  Tell me without disguise उ:   सिख सैनिकों को सैनिक वेश में दीक्षित किया।
Guise ki paribhasha : ek prakaar jaharila paudha jo dakshin himaa- laya, aasaama, baramaa, lnkaa, peraak aur jaava men hota hai rngamnch men pichhe ka vah sthaan jahaaan nat log vesharachana karate hain lnbi tikali jise striyaaan maathe par lagaati hain kisi baat se bachane ya koi matalab nikaalane ke liye apane snbndh men koi jhooth baat kahana kisi padaarth ka vah gun jisaka bodh drashta
Guise synonyms
disguise fashion show color mask demeanor shape aspect facade air dress simulacrum mien cloak role semblance form showing pose front posture cover face mode behavior false front seeming disguisement false show
Guise antonyms
personality back rear reality character
Usage of Guise in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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