Hammer meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Hammer
As noun : किसि बात को दोहराकर दिमाग में बैठा देना Ex:  See if you have use for this hammer .
गड़्ना Ex:  Michelangelo violently hit the knee of the statue with a hammer घन Ex:  Hatchets tend to be small hafted axes often with a hammer on the back side . उ:   इसकी इकाई किग्रा प्रति घन मीटर होती है। ढाँचा बन्ना Ex:  Absolutely, Before the invention of the pendulum, we monnayait hammer थीन Ex:  Any machine, air hammer दिमाग में गड़ा देना Ex:  Arts Cut stone stonemason's hammer with दिमाग में बैठा देना Ex:  Beat with a hammer परस्त करना Ex:  Beat with a hammer, hammer in large hammer परिश्रम करना Ex:  Brand Forestry Administration agents that are water and forest trees with their hammer you want to book in yards set Sales बरखास्त करना Ex:  Coup hatchet, ax, hammer संहतिशाली Ex:  Hitting shot or two shots at a door with the hammer हथोडा Ex:  Hitting the door with the hammer हथौड़ा Ex:  Leather pushed, copper, embossed metal, leather, copper, metal that was decorated with ornaments by working backwards, hammer or with special instrument हैमर Ex:  Mineralogy of volcanic rock that sounds when struck with a hammer उ:   हैमर हाई कार्बन स्टील के बनाये जाते हैं।
As verb : अयोधन Ex:  he grabbed the hammer by the handle मारतौल Ex:  gold is extended under the hammer मौंगरी Ex:  He also said, terms of Arts, a hammer Kind with two heads, which is usually wooden हथौडा Ex:  It also expresses an instrument that serves both ax and hammer उ:   इसके पास एक हथौडा भी है। हथौडा़ Ex:  It is better to be hammer qu'enclume, It is better to fight than to be beaten हथौड़े से ठोकना Ex:  Leave a hammer
Other : गढना Ex:  Its hammer must be manually cocked for each shot. घोड़ा Ex:  The hammer represented the worker उ:   घोड़ा भय और दर्द से हिनहिनाया, तो राजा पलटे। ठोंकना Ex:  I would not necessarily hammer my shoes in a special way to show my politics. हथौड़ा Ex:  It also denotes a pointed hammer that is used by carriers उ:   हथौड़ा मारने पर इससे चिनगारियाँ निकलती हैं।
Hammer ki paribhasha : kisi chij bo noche rakhakar oopar se lagaataar balapoorvak aaghaat pahuanchaana kisi vastu par chot pahuan- chaana kisi vastu ko thonkane, pitane ya gadhane ke liye saadhana- vastu dnd dene ke liye kisi ko kisi vastu se pitana ya aaghaat pahuanchaana chaar paironvaala ek prasiddh aur bad pashu
Hammer synonyms
knock pound tap bang form make defeat drive clobber thrash strike shape fashion batter wallop forge trounce drub whack pummel bear down whomp
Hammer antonyms
destroy ruin dissuade surrender give up neglect discourage halt stop lose fail
Usage of Hammer in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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