Handler meaning in hindi - Handler का मतलब हिंदी में

Handler meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Handler
As noun : कारपरदाज Ex:  The dolphin reports back to its handler
देखभाल करने वाला व्यक्ति प्रबंधकर्ता उ:   अब वह कुशल सेनापति, राजनीतिज्ञ और प्रबंधकर्ता समझा जाने लगा। संचालन करने वाला संभालने वाला
Examples Words that rhyme with handler
Handler synonyms
commissioner minister deputy assistant worker broker promoter representative lawyer operator operative officer ambassador attorney go-between negotiator substitute principal abettor actor doer factor intermediary proctor advocate salesperson proxy emissary surrogate servant envoy steward delegate executor assignee mover functionary factotum middleperson ten percenter jockey motorist whip hack chauffeur coachman automobilist autoist cabbie coach person leadfoot road hog administrator official supervisor producer executive boss director superintendent organizer head comptroller conductor governor proprietor overseer straw boss controller head person slavedriver zookeeper shopkeeper trafficker vendor trader seller shipper dealer tycoon businessperson storekeeper exporter retailer wholesaler sender jobber consigner marketer tradesperson adviser professor tutor mentor lecturer guide demonstrator breeder drill sergeant
Handler antonyms
passenger employee worker customer buyer pupil student
Usage of Handler in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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