Hassle meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Hassle
As noun : अँगुरियाना Ex:  Act by qui trades it was hassle we trial, etc
इंतशार Ex:  Act by qui trades it was hassle we trial, etc कोफर Ex:  Act by which trades It was hassle we trial, etc जेरबारी Ex:  Act by which trades It was hassle we trial, etc तकलीफ़ Ex:  He prefers the pleasures of private life with the hassle of public life उ:   उनकी पहुँचाई हुई तकलीफ़ का ख़याल न करो। त्विष् Ex:  The hassle household परीशानी Ex:  The intensity of the fighting, the hassle परेशान करना Ex:  It is the hassle of the move परेशानी उ:   रात को सोने में परेशानी होना। पिड़काना । बेजारी सरगर्दानी हलाकानी ‡
Other : परेशान करना. Ex:  This is not a discussion argument is a simple hassle
Hassle synonyms
squabble tumult inconvenience commotion wrangle difficulty whirl clamor tussle turmoil upset run-in disagreement argument try trial quarrel struggle uproar trouble row altercation dispute bickering annoy pester bedevil beleaguer hound quibble plague argue harry worry badger dun argufy
Hassle antonyms
calmness tranquility happiness aid agreement peace harmony help concur give in assist make happy please make peace
Usage of Hassle in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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