Hastily meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Hastily
As noun : उतालो Ex:  the hastily buried corpses
जल्दी से Ex:  Drawing on hastily assembled Congressional support शप Ex:  He also said, very colloquially, a person walking, speaking or reading hastily
As adverb : जल्दबाजी से Ex:  Jiro hastily mobilizes his much larger army to stop them. शीघ्रता पूर्वक Ex:  It is also said figuratively write hastily हबर दबर, हबर हबर Ex:  It is also transitive, figuratively, Building and means hastily and without order a project, a theory, an argument that does not offer strong and sustainable
Other : जल्द Ex:  Claudius hastily marries King Hamlet's widow, Gertrude, Hamlet's mother. उ:   वह लिपि बहुत जल्द लोगों में लोकप्रिय हो गयी। जल्दबाजी Ex:  1944. Vrba wrote that the report was also hastily translated into Hungarian. उ:   फिर सभी छह चले गये, जल्दबाजी में। फ़ौरन Ex:  By extension, it also said it was executed too hastily फुर्ती से Ex:  By extension, it means down hastily faster than we would like to वेग से Ex:  Go hasty, be expeditious, or act hastily
Hastily synonyms
suddenly swiftly nimbly speedily quickly prematurely carelessly promptly apace fast flat-out impetuously impulsively lickety-split posthaste rapidly rashly recklessly straightaway hurriedly agilely double-quick expeditiously heedlessly on spur of the moment precipitately subito thoughtlessly too quickly unpremeditatedly
Hastily antonyms
slowly delayed
Usage of Hastily in sentences

The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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