Hate meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Hate
As noun : कद्द Ex:  I hate algebra.
कीन Ex:  I hate you, he shrieked. घृणा Ex:  I hate to have medical problems hanging over me . उ:   वे भारतीयों को काले लोग कहकर घृणा करते थे। घृणापूर्ण Ex:  I hate being in the doghouse all the time . तामिस्त्र Ex:  She must hate your guts . थुक्का Ex:  I hate it with all my strength". दुत्ता Ex:  I will never get used to this – how I hate film acting". द्वषण Ex:  Some men love their gods but he hates the fish as men hate their gods. द्वेष करना Ex:  "Bet you don't hate us as much as we hate you! द्वेष Ex:  Such was Philip's hate for Demosthenes that उ:   द्वेष भाव भूल कर सभी से स्नेह रखना चाहिये। द्वेस Ex:  This led to a lot of publicity and some hate mail. नङरत Ex:  School? What s there to write about school? I hate school . नापसन्द Ex:  By exaggeration To hate compliments, ceremonies उ:   वह अकसर कहती थी कि उसे इंग्लैंड की हर चीज नापसन्द है। निर्द्रोह Ex:  Character hate प्रद्वेष, प्रद्वेषण Ex:  hate is said well Blowing, division, rebellion बीभत्सा Ex:  Having someone hate मछर ‡ Ex:  His love becomes hate विद्विषाण Ex:  I hate affronteurs शंबल Ex:  I hate cockroaches सरभ Ex:  I hate to do this supremely सापत्नक Ex:  I hate to say it सावहेल Ex:  I hate winter स्पर्द्धन, स्पर्धन Ex:  It can not be too hate this action स्पर्द्धा, स्पर्धा Ex:  Regards hate
As verb : घृणा करना Ex:  I hate garlicky breath.
Other : नफरत Ex:  Goats in hilly regions hate being tied to trees or poles . उ:   स्त्री द्वेष महिलाओं या लड़कियों के प्रति नफरत या नापसंद है। नफ़रत Ex:  , To hate someone or something, like the plague, like death, To hate someone or something extremely बैर या द्वेष रखना Ex:  Having someone hate बैर रखना Ex:  He does this hate of such a
Hate ki paribhasha : hal men laga hua chilam ke aakaar ka chonga jisamen bhara hua bij hal chalane men baraabar kooand men padta jaata hai chitt ko apriy lagane ki vratti
Usage of Hate in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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