Heads up meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Heads up
As noun : चेतंत
चौकन्ना बेदार सावचेत ‡
Heads up synonyms
watchful wise wary observant active bright perceptive wired vigilant sharp careful intelligent ready hip quick spirited cagey circumspect clever heedful on guard with it jazzed all ears fast on the draw good hands on the job on the lookout on the qui vive psyched up switched on on one's toes beware check out listen mind notice peg scope spot spy hearken be alert be careful be on guard have a care keep an eye out keep tabs pay attention pick up on shotgun size up watch out attentive lively on the stick information word threat hint notification signal admonition prediction alarm guidance indication suggestion recommendation caution lesson advice example tip-off augury caveat injunction exhortation wink token fore intimation premonition portent presage forewarning omen distress signal word to the wise foretoken sos mayday handwriting on wall watch-it bright-eyed and bushy-tailed wide-eyed wakeful execute oversee supervise conduct administrate carry out head render superintend boss ride herd on be in the saddle crack the whip head up hold the reins pull the strings pull the wires run the show sit on top of be in the driver's seat dominate handle lead manage rule command regulate manipulate discipline bully overlook predominate domineer instruct regiment call subjugate advise subject guide steer pilot deal with quarterback be in saddle call the signals hold purse strings hold sway over push buttons reign over run things operate shepherd influence dispose ordain carry on call the shots control the affairs of have the say preside over take the reins dictate tyrannize captain overrule order assume command be in power exercise authority hold dominion hold office lay down the law occupy throne serve the people wear the crown foreshadow anticipate harbinger pioneer time introduce herald pace scout usher rank preface antedate antecede outrank preexist be ahead of come first forerun go before go in advance have a head start in space light the way pave the way ring in run ahead take precedence chair officiate be at the head of do the honors be in driver's seat preponderate obtain helm be supreme hold power rule the roost superabound coordinate be in charge look after take care of
Heads up antonyms
inattentive negligent foolish ignorant stupid unintelligent incautious indiscreet indifferent unaware unobservant lazy uneducated asleep drowsy lethargic sluggish weary careless thoughtless dull slow disregard ignore neglect misinformation obey forego deny frustrate refuse withhold leave follow mismanage surrender comply consent mislead forsake relinquish renounce resign risk submit yield serve misguide abandon give up let go chance jump in rush diverge misdirect acquiesce permit fail agree allow give way finish go after walk cease lose stand halt stop
Usage of Heads up in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun, verb in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi 
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