Heavy hearted meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Heavy hearted
As noun : अन्यमन
आमणदूमण उदास दूमणा पजमुर्दा परिम्लायी विमुद विलक्खा
As adjective : आर्त, आर्त्त उफतदा कठा गंजित तपायमान दरमंद दुखी उ:   सभी लोग इन दिग्गजों के मौथ पर दुखी थे। प्रपन्न म्लायी संकटी हेचमर्द
Heavy hearted ki paribhasha : jisake chitt men khed utpann hua ho jisaka chitt kisi padaarth se hat gaya ho
Heavy hearted synonyms
at bad blue crestfallen crummy dejected desolate despondent destroyed disconsolate dispirited down down in the mouth downcast downhearted dull dysphoric bleeding bummed out cast-down down and out down in the dumps dragged fe depressed despairing disappointed forlorn inconsolable low melancholy mournful sad woebegone all torn up bummed-out disheartened grieving distressing lugubrious heartrending affecting plaintive sorry painful afflicted doleful grievous heartbroken lamentable miserable piteous rueful tearful woeful wretched ruthful tear-jerking dolent full of sorrow hurting in mourning in pain in sorrow sick at heart singing the blues troubled bleak cheerless dismal downbeat dreary gloomy grim oppressive put away teary in a blue funk let-down long-faced mirthless ripped saddened wistful weeping moody fed up glum let down low-spirited morose pessimistic sob story spiritless low-down in the pits in the toilet on a downer taken down
Heavy hearted antonyms
cheerful joyful glad delighted happy elated joyous fortunate lucky timely rich hopeful honest gay decent heartened above upright
Usage of Heavy hearted in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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