Herpes meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Herpes
As noun : एक प्रकार का चर्म रोग Ex:  genital herpes
खाज Ex:  An example would include the ability of the herpes simplex virus गंज Ex:  Prevention is also key in addressing viral STIs such as HIV & herpes उ:   रायसेन, विदिशा, भोपाल, मंदीदीप दीवान गंज के निकट के शहर हैं। विसर्पि Ex:  Laboratory tests are available to diagnose herpes zoster. विसर्पिका Ex:  Repeat attacks of herpes zoster are rare. उ:   जंतु विसर्पिका विषाणुओं में कुछ समान गुण पाए जाते हैं।
Other : परिसर्प Ex:  The earliest symptoms of herpes zoster उ:   परिसर्प का कोई इलाज़ नहीं है।
Herpes ki paribhasha : kisi ke pochhe use dhooandhate hue jaana ek mothi lata jisamen niche ki aur jhuki hui tahaniyaaan nikalati hai ek charmarog jisamen sharir par ubhare hue aise chakatte pad jaate hain jinamen bahut khujali hoti hai ek rog jisamen sharir bahut khujalaata hai
Herpes synonyms
acquired immune deficiency syndrome aids clap social disease gonorrhea syphilis hiv sida std vd chancroid chlamydia crab louse crabs genital herpes genital warts herpes simplex scabies tabes dorsalis pox sexually-transmitted disease the clap
Usage of Herpes in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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