High strung meaning in hindi

How to pronounce High strung
As adjective :
High strung synonyms
restless impatient uneasy uptight anxious critical ill at ease irascible irritable restive touchy keyed up overstrung demonstrative impulsive fiery hysterical emotional enthusiastic fierce hasty hot-tempered impetuous inflammable intolerant mercurial moody neurotic passionate peevish quick quick-tempered rash reckless susceptible testy uncontrolled vehement violent volatile agitable alarmable galvanic hot-headed overzealous short fused volcanic bubbly gritty scrappy spunky gutsy courageous lively alive difficult frisky game mettlesome ornery peppy quarrelsome thin-skinned tough truculent hot-blooded full of pep gutty zestful frenzied fevered frantic hectic heated furious frenetic burning distracted fervid overwrought obsessive apprehensive antsy jerky nervy spooky wired nervous wreck on pins and needles spooked unrestful up the wall uncontrollable wild overactive shaky panicky quivering trembling creepy agitated timorous afraid concerned weak timid hesitant shy annoyed fussy bothered distressed disturbed fitful querulous shrinking snappish solicitous taut troubled unstrung upset worried basket case flustered ruffled beside oneself nerve-racking bundle of nerves in a tizzy overanxious stressful unnerved wound up tricky precise keen receptive conscious perceptive unstable delicate responsive knowing seeing acute psychic understanding feeling fine cognizant hung up impressible perceiving precarious sensory sentient ticklish sensorial umbrageous hypersensitive easily affected emotionable oversensitive reactive sensatory sensile supersensitive touchy feely tuned in turned on to giddy fearful fickle capricious changeable combustible dizzy flighty frivolous harebrained irresponsible lightheaded playful scatterbrained spirited undependable unreliable whimsical zippy volative petulant headstrong unpredictable erratic explosive froward hotheaded inconsistent mean uncertain variable willful cussed easily upset in bad mood strained shot moved moving worrying queasy unquiet clutched choked fluttery shot to pieces strung out white knuckled in suspense nail-biting nerves on edge impressionable sensible a bundle of nerves all wound up
High strung antonyms
collected laid-back composed calm easy-going passive uninspired cold cool insensitive unexcitable cowardly timid flat dull fearful peaceful freezing content happy chilled chilly unexcited restful still unmoving quiet relaxed resting unworried unwavering unafraid brave confident fearless uncaring sufficient extroverted firm certain sure bold unnervous ignorant unaware unresponsive impassive thick-skinned heartless indifferent numb unfeeling imprecise loose unsusceptible strong tolerant unvarying dependable steadfast predictable unchanging reliable stable easygoing pleased constant steady untroubled limp limpid slack
Usage of High strung in sentences

The word is used as adjective adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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