Hindered meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Hindered
As verb : प्रतिब‌ंधित Ex:  This hindered the development of national markets.
As adjective :
अवष्टब्ध Ex:  These geological events may have reduced sunlight and hindered photosynthesis
Other : अवरुद्ध Ex:  Talks continued to be hindered by demands and counter-demands. उ:   यूस्टेचियन ट्यूब ज्यादातर समय अवरुद्ध रहता है। रुद्ध Ex:  Catholic peers were hindered from the House of Lords because they were forced
Hindered synonyms
obstruct hamstring retard thwart burden prohibit handicap preclude inhibit cripple deter delay hold up impede interfere interrupt curb crimp frustrate hamper block cramp clog fetter neutralize terminate snafu resist counteract check muzzle stymie debar arrest crab contravene balk stop stay offset bottleneck hog-tie choke trammel oppose encumber hold back shut out louse up box in get in the way
Hindered antonyms
aid assist permit further expedite facilitate release unblock loosen liberate help promote support advance push encourage forward allow let go free open begin start approve
Usage of Hindered in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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