History meaning in hindi

How to pronounce History
As noun : इतिवृत Ex:  ecclesiastic history
इतिहास Ex:  the tapestry of European history उ:   इतिहास की एक नहीं, सहस्रों धाराएँ हैं। उद्घात Ex:  naval history ऐतिहासिक कहानी Ex:  the writer is the lens through which history can be seen ऐतिहासिक नाटक Ex:  traditional history दास्तान् Ex:  She specializes in Near Eastern history न्यूज Ex:  Albert Einstein formulated the most famous equation in the history of science. उ:   स्काई न्यूज स्टार समूह का एक भूतपूर्व टीवी चैनल है। पुराकथा Ex:  Today was a red-letter day in our history . उ:   अथवा पुराकथा रूप में भी ऐसी कथा उपलब्ध नहीं है। पुरावृत्त Ex:  According to their own history उ:   इनके संबंध में पुरावृत्त और पौराणिक आख्यान भी बने। बयोरो ‡ Ex:  These chronicles mix history with legends बरतंत Ex:  Pictish recorded history begins in the Dark Ages. बिरत Ex:  The Watson Library primarily collects books related to the history of art बिष्टाला Ex:  Eskimo The written history of Nunavut begins in 1576. Martin Frobisher बेवरा Ex:  Early in the Solar System's history राजकथा Ex:  Borlaug is one of five people in history to have won the Nobel Peace Prize वजाहत Ex:  There are some museums dedicated to the history of the Dominican Republic वाकया Ex:  Throughout Australian history वार्त्ता Ex:  Explicitly stated influences include Chinese art and history विगत्त Ex:  Early in the Moon's history विरतंत Ex:  The history of Russian language may be divided into the following periods. विवरण Ex:  Manchester has a history of attacks attributed to Irish Republicans उ:   इनका विवरण श्रीमद भगवद गीता में भि मिलता है। वृतंत Ex:  Throughout the history of mathematics वृत्तांत Ex:  The earliest written history of Japan उ:   प्लिनी के वृत्तांत में बहुत कुछ कल्पित गाथाएँ भी मिलती हैं। समाख्यान Ex:  Throughout centuries of British history समुन्नय Ex:  The history of Prague spans over thousands of years सरनविश्त Ex:  For most of its history Prague had been a multiethnic city with important Czech हिस्टरी Ex:  The history of 'lost' geometric methods हिस्ट्री Ex:  Natural history museums include the Museo del Departamento de Malacología UCA उ:   पॉलिटिकल हिस्ट्री ऑफ़ नॉर्दर्न इण्डिया।
Other : तवारीख Ex:  architectural history
History ki paribhasha : kisi vastu ko spasht roop se samajhaane ki kriya kisi biti hui baat ya ghati hui ghatana ka vivaran biti hui prasiddh ghatanaaon aur unase snbndh rakhanevaale purushon ka kaalakram se varnan
History synonyms
yesteryear yesterday antiquity good old days ancient times bygone times days of old days of yore olden days story account tale record annals relation biography autobiography recapitulation saga journal narrative recital version diary narration report epic prehistory memoirs
History antonyms
Usage of History in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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