Hopeful meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Hopeful
As noun : अभिलाशी Ex:  Edith, in Auschwitz but he remained hopeful that his daughters had survived.
आगामि, आगामी आशाजनक उ:   यह बहुत आशाजनक है और सौर ऊर्जा के भविष्य हो सकता है। आशामय आशावान उम्मिदवार दैवी गति भवसिवत्त भावई भावित्व भाविन्या होतब्यता होनहार उ:   गायत्री उपासना से उन्हें बड़ा ही सुन्दर तथा होनहार पुत्र प्राप्त हुआ। होवनिहार होवनिहारी
As adjective : आशान्वित आशापूर्ण उ:   यह सुनते ही राजन आशापूर्ण होकर ऋषि से मिलने चल दिए।
Other : आकांक्षक आकांक्षी उम्मीदवार उ:   अपने बलबूते पर उन्होंने आम चुनाव में उम्मीदवार बनकर हिस्सा लिया है।
Hopeful ki paribhasha : vah baat jisaka hona daivi vidhaan men nishchit ho
Hopeful synonyms
eager buoyant enthusiastic sanguine comfortable cheerful confident rosy upbeat trusting high content faithful calm assured blithe elated expecting hoping lighthearted satisfied serene unflagging anticipative rose-colored anticipating at ease emboldened forward-looking inspirited keeping the faith looking forward to reassured trustful pleasant good probable exciting fortunate encouraging likely favorable reasonable gracious fair fit rousing cheering halcyon pleasing fine stirring advantageous beneficial bright conducive convenient expeditious flattering golden helpful inspiring lucky opportune propitious roseate suitable sunny timely well-timed enlivening heartening providential reassuring uplifting arousing elating fortifying inspiriting promiseful
Hopeful antonyms
apathetic disinterested pessimistic pale hopeless upset despairing despondent discouraged inauspicious pointless wretched unenthusiastic heavy depressed down sad unhappy fearful gloomy low desperate unpromising hateful unfriendly unpleasant unlikely implausible cloudy stormy disagreeable nasty bad mean dark rainy poor
Usage of Hopeful in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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