How meaning in hindi

How to pronounce How
As noun : किंतौ Ex:  See how beautifully the water reflects the sun.
कितकु Ex:  Try on this sweater to see how it looks कितना Ex:  I will show him how to do it. उ:   यह स्थान कितना प्राचीन है प्रमाणित नहीं है। किते Ex:  I know how to cope with difficult problems. कित्तौ Ex:  She really knows how to belt out a song . कियत Ex:  Look how easily this boat comes about . किस तरह Ex:  I don't have the foggiest idea of how to do this . किसा Ex:  Mary knows how to make the most of her talents . उ:   टोरंटो की सोन्जा एलिन किसा ने इस भाषा का निर्माण किया है। कीसउ० Ex:  I want you to learn how to write well . कैसन Ex:  I don't care how bad it seems . कैसा Ex:  I want you to tell of Jane and how she is doing . उ:   विषय अपने आप में कैसा है ? यह मुख्य बात नहीं थी। कैसौ Ex:  Yes, she sure knows how to use her noodle .
As adverb : कइसे Ex:  Oh, how horrible. किथौं Ex:  We chuckled over how angry Jed was . किव Ex:  I'm just dying to know how your weekend went . किस अवस्था में Ex:  I don't know how we'll be able to do without you . किस दशा में Ex:  Hi, Fred, how are you? Fred: Good . किस प्रकार Ex:  I have no knowledge of how to work this machine . कीसीव० Ex:  I really can't say how good the story was . कुतः Ex:  We don't know how bad the problem is . कैसे Ex:  As we trudged along, we forgot how cold it was . उ:   यह पुत्र कैसे पैदा हुआ।
Other : कहाँ से Ex:  I will teach you how to make tea, sonny.
How ki paribhasha : nishedhaarthak prashn ke roop men kis prakaar kaa? kisi prakaar ka nahian
How synonyms
whereby whence according to what after what precedent by means of by virtue of what by what means by what method by whose help from what source through what agency through what medium to what degree wherewith
Usage of How in sentences

The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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