However meaning in hindi

How to pronounce However
As noun : फिर भी Ex:  This is an area however in which the Council of Ministers plays no part.
As adverb :
ऐसा होने पर भी Ex:  Brazilian exiles however कितना भी Ex:  At Isandhlwana however जैसे भी Ex:  Guadeloupe is however not party to the Schengen Agreement. जो हो Ex:  There are several other sports venues however in the city तब भी Ex:  Recent researchers however तहू Ex:  Therevada however never switched to Sanskrit तो भी Ex:  Australia were dismissed for 194. England however तौहू Ex:  Discontent has continued however यद्यपि Ex:  She also kept a diary, however it is believed to be lost. उ:   यद्यपि यह बड़ा खतरनाक है। हालाँकि Ex:  It was not until about the 12th century however उ:   हालाँकि बाद में दिल्‍ली पुलिस ने उसे पकड़ लिया।
Other : अलबत्ता Ex:  although Im a little afraid, however Id like to try it उ:   अलबत्ता जिहाद की हिमायत में इनके कुछ शेर मिलते हैं। अस्तु Ex:  There would be some benefit, however indirect, to the state. उ:   अस्तु इसी मठ के ऊपर दूसरा मठ बनाया गया। कम से कम Ex:  In 226 AD, the city however became the seat of the Guang Prefecture . किंतु Ex:  Echoing from the mountain however उ:   किंतु तीनो एक दूसरे पर शक करते थे। तो Ex:  Asmara was not built for the Eritreans however उ:   वह तो हमारे बौद्धिक चिन्तन को प्रखर बनाता है। परंतु Ex:  The Ngakpas should however उ:   परंतु यह स्थिति बहुत दिनों तक बनी न रह सकी। परन्तु Ex:  Almost at the same time however उ:   परन्तु श्मशान नदी के तट पर होती है । बहरहाल Ex:  During that century however उ:   बहरहाल यही काम विजय कौशल कर रहे हैं। लेकिन Ex:  Most specifically however उ:   लेकिन इस मामले में वे मदद नहीं कर सकते ।
However synonyms
notwithstanding yet nonetheless anyhow but despite though all the same withal after all be that as it may for all that howbeit in spite of on the other hand per contra without regard to
Usage of However in sentences

The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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