Humidity meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Humidity
As noun : आकलेद Ex:  The Iowa summers are known for heat and humidity
आक्लेद Ex:  The humidity is maintained at 50% ±10% आर्द्रता या नमी Ex:  The climate is tropical, with heat and humidity moderated by trade winds. उमस Ex:  The average humidity over the course of the year is 82% उ:   उसकी आँखों में उमस थी और होंठों पर मादक सूखापन। औस Ex:  The average humidity is 80% and the temperature 26.6 °C . उ:   इस क्षेत्र को औस कहते है। तरावट Ex:  Relative humidity is very high तोयरस Ex:  High humidity is needed नमी Ex:  The day temperatures are high with very high humidity . उ:   नमी की मात्रा ८६ प्रतिशत है। संक्लेद Ex:  Rice needs high temperature, high humidity and rainfall . सील Ex:  The humidity enrouille iron उ:   लेकिन रक्षकों ने जल्द ही उद्घाटन को सील कर दिया। स्तिमित Ex:  The humidity has weighed these goods, these fruits स्तेम Ex:  Who little or humidity point
Other : आर्द्र Ex:  These basses are resistant to changes in heat and humidity उ:   मिल्कीपुर की जलवायु आर्द्र अर्ध-कटिबन्धीय जलवायु है। आर्द्रता Ex:  Although average precipitation and humidity during summer is low उ:   सर्दी के मौसम में आर्द्रता बहुत कम है। गीलापन Ex:  Although average precipitation and humidity during summer is low घमस Ex:  During prolonged heavy rain, relative humidity often reaches 100 percent. घमसा Ex:  In the highlands, Kandy's daytime humidity usually ranges between 70 and 79%. सीला Ex:  The humidity favors vegetation by the assistance of heat
Humidity ki paribhasha : ek prakaar ki samudri machhali jisaka chamad aur tel bahut kaam aata hai anaaj ke ve daane jo phasal katane par khet men pade rah jaate hain jinhen tapasvi ya garib log chunate hain vah nichi bhoomi jahaaan barasaat ka paani bahut dinon tak ikattha rahata ho vah garami, jo hava patali padne ya na chalane par maaloom hoti hai
Humidity synonyms
moisture evaporation heaviness thickness dew wet sultriness steam swelter dampness moistness humidness clamminess wetness dankness steaminess mugginess sogginess vaporization oppressiveness fogginess stickiness dewiness humectation sweatiness
Humidity antonyms
dryness aridity
Usage of Humidity in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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