Hurry up meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Hurry up
As noun : जल्दी करना
Hurry up synonyms
whirl whisk zip scurry dash jog hasten hustle rocket burst rip whiz accelerate speed quicken spur goad race roll run bustle nip sally expedite fly bullet flit drive breeze beeline smoke push fleet barrel dig in bestir whish be quick get a move on go like lightning lose no time make haste make short work of make time make tracks shake a leg speed up step on gas step on it turn on steam shoot charge dispatch bolt break sprint scramble chase streak career course tear fling zoom hotfoot surge scud dart get the lead out fire up get cracking scamper vamoose split clear out move fast scat blow decamp leave take off fly the coop hightail it make oneself scarce acute insistent crucial demanding compelling vital imperative immediate dire serious critical distressing instant burning requiring exacting crying obliging clamant clamorous exigent importunate life-and-death claiming constraining forcing heat-on high-priority hurry-up necessary indispensable persuasive important essential weighty capital chief driving foremost heavy leading momentous paramount primary principal required salient touchy wanted called-for demanded impelling life and death top-priority touch and go
Hurry up antonyms
slow procrastinate decelerate hinder retard delay dissuade walk cease repress dally dawdle stall wait halt discourage stop check rest obey retreat hide guard protect stay pull remain come unimportant inessential trivial uncritical optional insignificant dull unnecessary needless voluntary nonessential facile minor small unsubstantial secondary easy light moderate
Usage of Hurry up in sentences

The word is used as adjective verb in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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