Hush up meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Hush up
As noun : अठागूहन Ex:  We must hush up this matter.
गुज्झाना छा उ:   यूरोपीय ताकतें दुनिया में व्यापार और राजनीति पर छा गयीं। छिपाना छिपावना झंपना झपावना दुकानापु दुरावना संछादन संवार ह्नवन
Hush up ki paribhasha : aisi sthiti men karana jisamen kisi ko dikhaayi na pade ya pata na chale
Hush up synonyms
conceal cover smother squash stifle suppress burke cover up keep dark sit on
Hush up antonyms
reveal tell
Usage of Hush up in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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