Hysteria meaning in hindi
As noun : उन्माद Ex:  unpreventable hysteria उ: "हनी बनी," उन्माद में आकर जूल्स पर बंदूक तान देता है।
चित्तविप्लव Ex:  , hysteria , girls , and the effects of doing drugs . चित्तविभ्रम Ex:  Rhodes described the effect on their sound as "barely controlled hysteria जनूँ Ex:  It also said an attack of hysteria प्रामाद्य Ex:  Medicine Pertaining to hysteria प्रैष बलकौँहाँ वातोन्माद हिस्टीरिया उ: हिस्टीरिया का रोग उन्हीं में से एक हैं।
Hysteria ki paribhasha : vah rog jisamen man aur buddhi ka kaaryakram bigad jaata hai
ExamplesHysteria synonyms
nervousness madness agitation excitement frenzy delirium panic mirth hysterics unreason feverishness Hysteria antonyms
calm calmness collectedness control peace sereneness Usage of Hysteria in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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