Ill judged meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Ill judged
As noun : अविचारित
Ill judged synonyms
foolhardy ill-considered thoughtless indiscreet inappropriate half-baked foolish misguided reckless brash confused hotheaded inconsiderate inexpedient injudicious madcap short-sighted unseemly wrong ill-judged overhasty off the top of one's head inadvisable maladroit stupid tactless untimely undiplomatic irresponsible careless unwise heedless improvident temerarious unthinking leaving self wide open off the deep end playing with fire unadvisable bold devil-may-care impetuous impulsive neglectful negligent precipitate regardless unguarded unmindful wary any old way caught napping fast-and-loose foot-in-mouth off guard pay no mind unalert unvigilant unwatchful sticking one's neck out
Ill judged antonyms
careful cautious discreet wise prudent sensible well-advised thoughtful reasonable politic kind mindful attentive responsible
Usage of Ill judged in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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