Ill timed meaning in hindi - Ill timed का मतलब हिंदी में

Ill timed meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Ill timed
As noun : अनघरी०
अनवसर बेजून बेबात बेमौका
Ill timed synonyms
unseemly awkward inconvenient malapropos unbecoming unfavorable unseasonable unsuitable unwelcome badly timed mistimed derogatory prejudicial hurtful disparaging adverse injurious contrary damaging deleterious downside harmful inexpedient objectionable pejorative slighting unprofitable depreciative depreciatory debit-side detracting dyslogistic on the debit side uncomplimentary bad form inapt incompatible incorrect irrelevant unfit wrong ill-fitted ill-matched mismatched out of character out of its element out of place unfitting unwarranted inaccurate irregular erroneous ill-advised imprudent abnormal discordant discrepant inadvisable inapplicable incongruous inharmonious ludicrous odd preposterous uncalled-for unsuited infelicitous uncomely false at odds inapposite off-base out-of-place out-of-season immaterial unreasonable unacceptable undesirable ill-favored incompetent unqualified unsatisfactory unwanted exceptionable unallowable tasteless disproportionate garbage indecorous foot-in-mouth inapropos inconsonant left-field out of line unmeet way off wrong-number ridiculous absurd meaningless pointless not adapted disturbing inauspicious troublesome unfortunate unpropitious ill-chosen needless unjust inordinate unjustified unjustifiable unconscionable unfair too much extreme exorbitant extravagant forbidden illegal immoderate intemperate sinister underhanded overmuch undeserved exceeding too great unmeasurable unwarrantable premature abortive disagreeable early intrusive out-of-date previous soon unlucky early bird a bit previous anachronistic bright and early early on overearly oversoon too early too late immodest indecent indelicate naughty untoward
Ill timed antonyms
appropriate opportune suitable welcome well-timed convenient assisting helpful advantageous complimentary favorable aiding nice good acceptable valid honest ok wise fitting moral correct right true reasonable accurate proper decent formal uncorrupt relevant admissible allowable desirable sensible adroit competent dexterous skilled skillful auspicious timely warranted unprejudiced fair just moderate
Usage of Ill timed in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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