Illuminate meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Illuminate
As verb : उजवालना Ex:  Spotlights were used to illuminate the thieves.
उजागर करना Ex:  A ray of Divine wisdom seemed to illuminate his soul उजाला करना Ex:  A weak dusk began to illuminate the landscape उदीतना Ex:  Absolutely, the desire to know, the desire to instruct, illuminate ज्योति मय करना Ex:  Action illuminate distribution of natural light or artificial प्रकाश डालना Ex:  Action to illuminate or condition which is illuminated प्रकाशयुक्त करना Ex:  Art illuminate प्रकाशित करना Ex:  By extension, an army illuminate प्रदीप्त करना Ex:  Cats Eyes, fireflies illuminate at night प्रसिद्ध बना देना Ex:  False day window pierced in a partition to illuminate a passage hallway, a small staircase, etc रोशन करना Ex:  It also said some candelabras bearing torches, candelabra, candles, and serve to illuminate a room स्वर्ण अलंकरण Ex:  It also said the Action illuminate and result of this action
Illuminate synonyms
flash highlight brighten spotlight ignite illumine irradiate fire lighten illume kindle limelight light up floodlight hit with a light elucidate dramatize clarify illustrate explain define expound perfect gloss edify express better instruct finish construe polish improve interpret enlighten clear up give insight shed light on uplight
Illuminate antonyms
darken obscure complicate involve extinguish put out dull cloud mystify ruin worsen confuse be vague
Usage of Illuminate in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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