Illustrate meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Illustrate
As verb : उदाहरण के साथ समझना Ex:  Dickens' novels perhaps best illustrate this
उदाहरण के साथ समझाना Ex:  The following verses illustrate this: According to Catherine Cornille चित्र आदि के द्वारा स्पष्ट करना Ex:  In order to illustrate recurring properties दृष्टान्त देना Ex:  A brief sample may help to illustrate the style of the work. दृष्‍टांत Ex:  To illustrate the use of the Socratic method निदर्शन करना Ex:  1959 Cadillacs also seem to illustrate this. निदर्शित करना Ex:  Beck was recruited to design and illustrate Parker's story बिवेचना Ex:  To illustrate this point मिसाल देना Ex:  To illustrate pitching strategy व्यख्या करना Ex:  Darfur Now and Facing Sudan have been used to illustrate the crisis. व्याख्या करना Ex:  Putnam cited examples from the animal kingdom to illustrate his thesis. व्याख्याकरना Ex:  Action to illustrate or state illustrates what is सचित्र करना Ex:  To illustrate his name सचित्र व्याख्या करना Ex:  To illustrate its talents स्पष्ट करना
Illustrate ki paribhasha : shabdon dvaara aisa varnan karana jisase varna्y ka maanasik chitr upasthit ho jaay koi baat achchhi tarah kisi ke man men baithaana
Illustrate synonyms
exhibit represent illuminate typify mirror portray depict mark emphasize expose clarify highlight interpret delineate reveal manifest personify epitomize embody lay out symbolize spotlight expound picture show imitate elucidate clear evidence instance evince vivify proclaim disclose clear up get across get over limelight show and tell point up allegorize bring home draw a picture emblematize make clear make plain ostend paint adorn sketch ornament limn embellish
Illustrate antonyms
conceal hide obscure complicate cover confuse save
Usage of Illustrate in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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