Impregnable meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Impregnable
As noun : अपरिच्छिन्न Ex:  There are more impregnable fortresses
अभेद्य Ex:  This fort had always passed for impregnable उ:   इसी कारण इन प्राणियों में अभेद्य कला की आवश्यकता नहीं पड़ती। अभौदिक Ex:  City impregnable
As adjective : अजेतव्य Ex:  The settlement was surrounded by an impregnable mountain ridge. अजेय Ex:  Namgyal built a network of impregnable dzong उ:   यह भारत का एकमात्र अजेय दुर्ग हैं। अटुट Ex:  City impregnable अधृष्ट Ex:  He believed this impregnable अधृष्य Ex:  There are more impregnable fortresses अप्रधृष्य Ex:  This city is regarded as impregnable जो सहज में जीता न जाय
Other : गहन उ:   इन्हें गहन अंतरंग मित्रता या भाइयों के रूप में उल्लेख किया गया है।
Impregnable synonyms
impenetrable unassailable invincible indestructible invulnerable fortified firm secure solid strong
Impregnable antonyms
breakable destructible
Usage of Impregnable in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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