In addition meaning in hindi

How to pronounce In addition
As noun : इसके साथ साथ Ex:  The Order originally consisted of fifteen knights in addition to the Sovereign.
के अतिरिक्त Ex:  Ido has a pan-gender third-person pronoun lu in addition to its masculine
In addition synonyms
supplementary added ancillary additional unnecessary extraneous unused extraordinary fresh supplemental new leftover other special auxiliary gravy supernumerary needless perk lagniappe button inessential tip ice surplus spare fuss reserve another beyond optional redundant superfluous unneeded gingerbread in reserve in store one more over and above farther also yet then again besides distant yonder as well as on top of to boot what's more additionally along furthermore correspondingly in like manner in the same way withal higher major extended increased innumerable numerous bounteous larger aggrandized amassed augmented deeper enhanced exceeding expanded heavier more than that too many wider better longer along with by the same token what is more into the bargain alike thus equivalently then as well
In addition antonyms
needed used commonplace usual worn basic elementary fundamental necessary normal ordinary old main essential integral contrariwise opposing opposite reverse less fewer little differently
Usage of In addition in sentences

The word is used as adjective adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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