In motion meaning in hindi

How to pronounce In motion
As adjective : उच्चल Ex:  "Everything that is in motion must be moved by something," Aristotle declared.
खड़ना Ex:  Empedocles maintained that light was something in motion चलाना Ex:  O'Dea was in Hollywood searching for a break-out role in motion pictures. चलायमान Ex:  Hollywood is also one of the leaders in motion picture production. उ:   इनमें दो समानान्तर जबड़े होते हैं, एक चलायमान तथा दूसरा अचल। ठोलना Ex:  It is used in terms of arts, to say put in motion a machine, apparatus, etc डगराना Ex:  Move , to go from one place to another, set in motion नषाना Ex:  Turntables, tables that seem to spontaneously set in motion in contact around the hands of several people rows बाँहना Ex:  It is always in motion बिचल Ex:  It is often said inanimate things that move or that one sets in motion मुचाना Ex:  liquid mass in motion रंदना Ex:  Oscillation of what is in motion वल्लणहार Ex:  Put something in motion विछाडना Ex:  Qualities set of qualities constituting the character of a style or in feelings and ideas, both in motion and color संप्रवर्त्तन Ex:  Ring the stolen bells in motion सियाक Ex:  Set in motion सूटना Ex:  The slightest pulse is sufficient to put this machine in motion हँड़वाना Ex:  This puts them in motion moods
Other : गतिमान Ex:  His interest in motion pictures began at an early age गतिशील Ex:  A rest energy can be calculated even for particles and systems in motion उ:   भाषा को गतिशील और परिवर्तनशील माना जाता है। चलता Ex:  Some fields of science see nature as matter in motion उ:   यह त्‍यौहार दो दिनों तक चलता है। चालू Ex:  A simple spring sets in motion all the mechanism उ:   ध्यान दिया जाए कि चालू खाता घाटा हमेशा एक समस्या नहीं है।
In motion synonyms
going proceeding initiated working happening operational operative in process in progress under way moving current fluid rotating circling ambient circulatory diffusive en route directed started aimed on the way to pointed toward slated for
In motion antonyms
latent prospective motionless stationary still disembarked landed stopping
Usage of In motion in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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