In shape meaning in hindi

How to pronounce In shape
As noun : अकृश Ex:  It is triangular in shape
गलवार्त Ex:  Beckham admitted that he was not in shape at the time जडैल Ex:  The Catlins area covers some 1900 km² and is roughly triangular in shape निरोगी Ex:  The two animals share many similarities in shape यौवनस्थ Ex:  This horse is fit, in shape विरोग सहारोग्य सहीसलामत स्वस्थ उ:   इससे आप स्वस्थ हो रहे हैं।
In shape synonyms
precise scientific businesslike tidy thorough neat systematic regulated formal trim regular slick clean uniform alike careful conventional correct exact fixed framed shipshape spick-and-span together methodic all together arranged in apple-pie order in good shape in order neat as button neat as pin set-up systematized to rights uncluttered
In shape antonyms
disorganized chaotic sloppy slovenly changing inconsistent complicated unsystematic untidy unruly disorderly confused rough unmethodical bad misbehaving
Usage of In shape in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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