Inalterable meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Inalterable
As adjective :
अपरिर्वनीय अविकारणीय अविकार्य
Inalterable synonyms
unalterable adamant adamantine determined dogged dyed-in-the-wool firm fixed hard hard-and-fast immovable immutable implacable indomitable inexorable intractable invariable iron ironclad obdurate obstinate relentless resolute rigid rigorous set single-minded staunch steadfast stiff strict stringent unbending unchangeable uncompliant uncompromising unrelenting unyielding steely unadaptable unswayable set in one's ways stand one's ground
Usage of Inalterable in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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