Inaudible meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Inaudible
As adjective :
अकर्ण्य Ex:  an inaudible conversation अश्रव्य Ex:  Speak in an inaudible whisper. अश्राव्य कर्णागाोचर जो सुनाई न पडे जो सुनाई न पड़े शब्द रहित
Inaudible synonyms
hushed imperceptible muffled closemouthed faint low mum mute noiseless quiet soundless still unclear uncommunicative voiceless unhearable mumbled muted nonvocal not talkative wordless
Usage of Inaudible in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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