Inbred meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Inbred
As noun : जन्मजात उ:   हरिजनों ने अपना जन्मजात अधिकार प्राप्त करने का साहस पैदा हुआ।
As adjective :
अंतःप्रजात Ex:  Of the inbred strains that have been created अंतर्भव Ex:  Brother inbred अन्तर्जात Ex:  In terms of Jurisprudence, he told the Brothers or sisters born of the same father and same mother as opposed to inbred and Uterine अविलष्ट Ex:  Sister inbred असंभृत जन्म से जाती उ:   वह जहाँ जाती थी, वहाँ लोगों का सम्मान मिलता था। प्रकृतिमान् विलंघ्य़ सहज पैदायशी सहज उ:   एक प्रकार सहज बोध का है, जो भावात्मक है। सहसिद्ध सुखकृत् सुखगम सुखसाध्य सुखोपाय सुहंगम सैहज सौखा ‡ स्वभावसिद्ध
Inbred ki paribhasha : bauddhon ka ek snpradaaya, jo sabhi vastuon ko prakrati ke niyamaanusaar bani maanate hain jyotish men janm lagn se tratiy sthaan
Inbred synonyms
deep-seated innate congenital inborn intrinsic native natural primal
Usage of Inbred in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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