Indicator meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Indicator
As noun : कांटी Ex:  Turing solved the naval Enigma indicator system उ:   कपरपुरा स्टेशन से कांटी यार्ड तक का विद्युतीकरण पूरा कर लिया जायेगा।
खबरदिहंदा Ex:  Generally, Morgan used technology as an indicator of position on this scale. खबरसाँ Ex:  This is a good indicator of acid overproduction. ज्ञार्पायता Ex:  If previous Pay Commissions are taken as an indicator देशित्र Ex:  The most common indicator minerals are chromian garnets द्योतक Ex:  In general, he said, Any sign of arrow-shaped indicator उ:   शिव नर के द्योतक हैं तो शक्ति नारी की। द्विजिह्व Ex:  indicator exceptionable व्यपदेशी Ex:  indicator If surprised by the enemy, they remparèrent with and carts with whatever they could find शंसी Ex:  indicator injuries which he is still covered संकेतक Ex:  indicator of railways, streets of Paris उ:   हालांकि, जीवन स्तर के संकेतक के रूप में इसका मान सीमित माना जाता है। सूचक Ex:  It is also used as a male name and means the indicator of start times, passage and arrival of trains railways, ships and other transport services उ:   बासमती एक भौगोलिक सूचक है।
Other : निदेशक Ex:  indicator faulty उ:   निदेशक मंडल की एक बैठक का आयोजन करे। सूचिक Ex:  It was the indicator
Indicator ki paribhasha : gupt baata, rahasy ya bhed bataanevaala pakke lohe ka chhota patala taar jisake ek chhor men bahut baarik chhed hota hai aur doosare chhor par tej nok hoti hai silaayi ke dvaara jivika nirvaah karanevaalaa, daraji angreji ke dairektar pad ke liye prayukt hindi paaribhaashik shabd bhed ki khabar denevaala milan ka nishchay karanevaali naayika ya naayak
Indicator synonyms
gauge signal symbol index dial omen hint meter mark beacon warning clue pointer guide barometer
Usage of Indicator in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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