Inept meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Inept
As noun : अनुपयुक्त Ex:  Reasoning inept उ:   यह जंगली जाति है और कृषि उत्पादन के लिए अनुपयुक्त है।
अभोक्तव्य विभ्रष्ट
As adjective : अकर्मान्वित Ex:  I have never heard anyone so inept at making speeches. अकुशल Ex:  The audience howled the inept magician down . अकृतार्थ Ex:  Tesla was rather financially inept अगुणशील Ex:  Manson saw the blacks winning the war but being too inept to run the nation. अठान० Ex:  These staffs were often filled by poorly-trained and inept men अधकचरा Ex:  Character of this which is inept अनाडी़ Ex:  Everything he says is inept अनिष्ण Ex:  It is a foolish man, Man of the world's most inept अपारक अप्रभु अयोग्य उ:   दारा द्वितीय अयोग्य और निकम्मा शासक हुआ। असांम्प्रत कमजर्फ गधेडी़ गैरमिसिल गैरवाजिब नामाकूल नामुनासिब नालयक निरूपपत्ति पांडुपृष्ठ प्रणाय्य
Inept synonyms
bumbling awkward inefficient artless bungling butterfingers gauche halting incapable inexpert loser maladroit ungraceful unskillful wooden unapt all thumbs inadept undexterous unfacile unhandy unproficient ridiculous absurd ill-timed inappropriate inapt malapropos meaningless pointless undue unfit unseasonable unseemly unsuitable infelicitous not adapted out of place
Inept antonyms
capable competent dexterous efficient expert skillful adroit skilled acceptable suitable fit proper sensible reasonable
Usage of Inept in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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