Influence meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Influence
As noun : अजमत Ex:  I want to disengage myself from his influence उ:   किसी की अजमत खराब करना।
असर Ex:  Undercurrents influence the climate. उ:   संगीत का भी यही असर होता है। ईथर का बहिर्निस्यन्दन Ex:  Used her parents influence to get the job
Her wishes had a great influence on his thinking
The influence of mechanical action
She was the most important influence in my life
ईशत्व Ex:  Her influence is pervasive. ठकुराइति, ठकुराइती Ex:  Bosnian sevdalinka is an important influence on music from the area डंडाकुंडा Ex:  Created with no influence from Nintendo धकिया Ex:  Christianity remained a major influence for artists and authors नाथत्व Ex:  Luther's influence persisted after his death. नैतीक शक्ति Ex:  Some scholars see Luther's influence as limited पतिव्य Ex:  As this influence increases पर प्रभाव डालना Ex:  Davis's own 'space music,' shows Stockhausen's influence compositionally". परभाइ Ex:  As the influence of the falsafa grew in the West प्रभत ‡ Ex:  Although Mahayana Buddhism gained some influence at that time प्रभाय Ex:  India started to strongly influence Southeast Asian countries. प्रभाव डालने वाली वस्तु Ex:  Byron exercised a marked influence on Continental literature and art प्रभाव Ex:  Others who resisted Wagner's influence included Gioachino Rossini . उ:   यह प्रभाव अब तक विद्यमान है। प्रभावकारी व्यक्ति Ex:  Germany's influence on Italian policy increased प्रभावशाली व्यक्ति Ex:  Its influence is still seen today प्रभावान्विति Ex:  Lanois's influence is audible throughout Oh Mercy. प्रभावित होना Ex:  The communist influence on Western Europe was greatly reduced प्रभुत Ex:  The experience of living in this area was a major influence on his work. प्रभुत Ex:  The experience of living in this area was a major influence on his work. प्रभुत्त Ex:  European influence gradually brought an end to this regional power. प्रभुत्व Ex:  The historic city of Margao still exhibits the influence of Portuguese culture. उ:   इसके बाद अरबों का प्रभुत्व बढ़ता गया। प्राभवत्य Ex:  The Italian influence in the Perth and Fremantle area has been substantial प्रेरित करना Ex:  When viewed under the influence of such substances as LSD मंत्रबल Ex:  Robert Neville, cites Bob Marley as an influence on his life philosophy. महित्व Ex:  Sara was the dominant influence in Franklin's early years. महिन Ex:  Rock has had a formative influence on popular music रोबदाब Ex:  Malinowski and Radcliffe-Brown's influence stemmed from the fact that they संचोदन Ex:  Western influence began in the 19th century सन्निबध Ex:  Sweden was under German influence for most of the war सन्नोदन Ex:  British influence can be observed in the infrastructure स्वामिभाव Ex:  As the founders of the International Style lost influence in the late 1970s
As verb : उछेदना Ex:  Examples of this influence include the techniques of a side story प्रभावित करना Ex:  A particularly important influence was Johann Christian Bach
Other : असर करना Ex:  … has done the most to influence the events of the year". असर डालना Ex:  Good films appreciably influence the society. छाप Ex:  The third influence was the traditional folk theatre of India उ:   ऐसा कहा जाता है कि इस चट्टान में अभी भी राम के पैर की छाप है। छाया Ex:  The fifth influence was Hollywood उ:   लेकिन उसके जीवन पर इस काल की काली छाया हमेशा दिखाई पड़ती रही। प्रभाव डालना Ex:  Marie believed that the Cardinal had robbed her of her political influence रंग Ex:  Under the influence of several younger scholars उ:   गायों का रंग सफेद, मोतिया या हल्का भूरा होता हैं। साया Ex:  Despite the influence of Islamic coastal traders and European colonisers सिप्पा Ex:  Through the influence of Catherine of Siena and Bridget of Sweden
Influence ki paribhasha : vah shabd jisase kisi vastu, vyakti ya samooh ka bodh ho akhitayaar jaisa—yah puchhane ka adhikaar tumhen nahin hai shabd itana maan ya adhikaar ki jo baat chaahe kar ya kara sake
Usage of Influence in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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