Inherent meaning in hindi - Inherent का मतलब हिंदी में

Inherent meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Inherent
As adjective : अन्तर्जात Ex:  the inherent antagonism of capitalism and socialism
अन्तर्निहित Ex:  The idea of an inherent vulnerability in some people उ:   इण्डोनेशिया के राजवंश यहाँ अन्तर्निहित होंगे । जन्मजात Ex:  The inherent contradictions in this approach उ:   अतः सामाजिक स्थिति जन्मजात न होकर अर्जित हो गई। जन्मसिद्ध Ex:  Rejecting any inherent reality to the dharmas उ:   वे शिक्षा को प्रत्येक व्यक्ति का जन्मसिद्ध अधिकार मानते थे। जन्मी Ex:  He assumed, however, that robots would have certain inherent safeguards. उ:   उनकी छः संतानें थी जिनमें से पांच उनकी पहली पत्नी से जन्मी थी। देवनिर्मित Ex:  Most of this production is chemically inherent to the primary process प्रकृतिक Ex:  Both the situations have their inherent disadvantages . उ:   कोयला तथा प्रकृतिक गैस पास में मिलती है। स्वाभविक Ex:  It is often said over the feelings, the passions, vicissitudes, with Disabilities that are common to all men, inherent in their nature
Other : असली Ex:  The most important aspect of beauty was therefore an inherent part of an object उ:   परिणामस्वरूप, करण ने उसे अपनी असली माँ होना माना। आनुषंगिक Ex:  His inherent honesty disturbs the status quo निहित Ex:  : While supporting the methodological naturalism inherent in modern science उ:   किन्तु इसमें स्व-विज्ञापन भी निहित होता है। शिकमी Ex:  Especially among Scholastics, substantial form, form inherent to the substance, which determines the form and complete to be स्वाभाविक Ex:  It specifically means, in terms of philosophy, which is inherent to the human mind and not acquired through experience उ:   यह जीव का स्वाभाविक स्वरूप है।
Inherent ki paribhasha : jyotish men janm lagn se tratiy sthaan bauddhon ka ek snpradaaya, jo sabhi vastuon ko prakrati ke niyamaanusaar bani maanate hain jisaki praapti janm se hi siddh ya maany ho
Inherent synonyms
latent innate constitutional built-in internal essential natural genetic deep-rooted deep-seated fundamental instinctive ingrained intrinsic implicit characteristic congenital distinctive elementary fixed immanent inborn inbred indigenous indispensable individual inherited inner integral integrated intimate inward native original part and parcel resident subjective connate indwelling in the grain inbuilt running in the family unalienable
Inherent antonyms
extrinsic learned extra auxiliary minor unimportant superficial added external incidental acquired secondary
Usage of Inherent in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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