Insatiable meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Insatiable
As adjective : अतिलोभी Ex:  The demand was insatiable
अतृप्य Ex:  A disease that consists of either an insatiable desire for fame, greatness, either in the illusion that has the अतोषणीय Ex:  An insatiable greed जो तृप्त न हो Ex:  Greed insatiable जो तृप्त न होवे Ex:  He has an insatiable hunger न बुझने या शान्त होने वाला Ex:  In so insatiable
Other : असंतोषी Ex:  An insatiable hunger
Insatiable synonyms
rapacious ravenous insistent urgent clamorous crying demanding desiring exigent gluttonous greedy importunate intemperate pressing unsatisfied yearning unappeasable insatiate quenchless unquenchable unsatisfiable
Insatiable antonyms
fulfilled pleased satisfied full satiable
Usage of Insatiable in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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