Instability meaning in hindi - Instability का मतलब हिंदी में

Instability meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Instability
As noun : अधृति Ex:  During earthquake there is instability in earth.
अभिलुलित Ex:  Financial instability makes a person insecure . अस्थायित्व Ex:  Given the present plitical instability it is arguable that the government
will last its full term.
अस्थिर Ex:  In addition to this instability उ:   वाकाटकों और हूणों के आक्रमण के कारण मालवा की राजनीतिक दशा अस्थिर थी। अस्थिरता Ex:  Archaeology gives clear evidence of increasing instability in Makuria. उ:   असम-समझौते से वहाँ लम्बे समय से चल रही राजनीतिक अस्थिरता का अंत हुआ। आचंचल Ex:  Syria's political instability during the years after the 1954 coup आनोजानी Ex:  Political instability since 1998 उल्लल Ex:  This instability was clarified in 1902 by the Jeans instability criterion. चञ्चलता Ex:  Tbilisi has experienced periods of significant instability and turmoil. चलचलिय Ex:  This period of internal instability lasted for decades. चलचाल Ex:  Due to Colombia's geography and years of social and political instability चित्तभेद Ex:  Following five years of extreme instability and civil unrest डँवाडोल Ex:  With the instability in Spain and the abdication of the king डगमगी Ex:  Years of instability followed until 1996 डाँवाडोल Ex:  Another important source of atmospheric instability is found in tropical waves तारल Ex:  Heavy snowfall may cause instability in the existing snowpack दावाँदोल Ex:  Garland was plagued by financial instability नापायदारी Ex:  African states have frequently been hampered by instability नापायदारी Ex:  African states have frequently been hampered by instability बिचल Ex:  Caesar, seeing at his feet and recollecting the instability of things of this world बिस्थीरु Ex:  Corps placed in a state of instability विसंष्ठुल Ex:  It means figuratively Inconsistent, instability सीमाबियत Ex:  The instability of a boat on the sea
Other : अस्थैर्य Ex:  Bellow returned to his exploration of mental instability
Instability synonyms
anxiety vulnerability weakness fluctuation uncertainty insecurity volatility oscillation alternation immaturity vacillation hesitation pliancy disquiet unsteadiness inquietude wavering fluidity precariousness irresolution frailty inconsistency restlessness irregularity shakiness flightiness fickleness changeability disequilibrium changeableness unreliability unpredictability variability mutability transience impermanence fitfulness capriciousness unfixedness
Instability antonyms
calm constancy soundness stability steadfastness balance
Usage of Instability in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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