Interim meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Interim
As noun : अंतरिम Ex:  to follow the interim order. उ:   यह सरकार अंतरिम प्रकृति की होती है।
अंतरिमकाल Ex:  The discount is for the interim period. अंतर्कालीन Ex:  Yen Chia-kan's presidency was interim अन्तरिम अवधि Ex:  This interim taxonomy elevated many established subspecies to full species अन्तरिम Ex:  The interim discharge had to be confirmed at the next general muster. उ:   पहली अन्तरिम रपट ११ मार्च १९७८ को सौंपी गयी थी। अल्पकालीन Ex:  The interim appointee remains in office until the special election can be held. उ:   अल्पकालीन नियोजन की कुछ सीमाएँ भी हैं। बीच का समय Ex:  According to the 2006 interim census मध्य लाभांश Ex:  He was replaced in the interim by the elected Minister of Labour मध्यकाल Ex:  The Palestinian National Authority is an interim administrative organization उ:   मध्यकाल में बिहार मुगल सम्राटों के अधीन था।
Interim ki paribhasha : itihaas men vah samay jo praachin aur aadhunik samay ke madhy men padta hai
Interim synonyms
provisional caretaker acting stopgap makeshift improvised intervening pro tempore ad interim thrown-together meantime interruption lacuna pause letup meanwhile hiatus breather break layoff time-out breach downtime interlude coffee break interregnum cutoff breathing spell take ten
Interim antonyms
permanent continual finished continuation continuity permanence
Usage of Interim in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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