Intoxicate meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Intoxicate
As verb : उन्मत्त करना Ex:  A glass wine is enough to intoxicate
नशे में लाना Ex:  Medicine Action to intoxicate or result of this action मतवाला करना Ex:  The praises, the flattery which they intoxicate मदिरापान करना Ex:  The vapors a wine press, certain smells intoxicate मस्त करना Ex:  The words that intoxicate सुरामत्त करना
Other : बेहोश करना Ex:  Poor jesters amused themselves intoxicate the शराब पीना
Intoxicate synonyms
dumbfound bewilder puzzle muddle distract baffle daze stupefy fluster inebriate bother addle shake mix up throw off ball up disorient make punchy tantalize overwhelm beguile animate attract seduce transfix please titillate enthrall mesmerize excite bewitch charm tempt enamor delight engage thrill intrigue engross entice enrapture enchant subdue win ensnare draw pique arouse provoke transport compel overpower attach interest gladden enslave stir entrance lure invite absorb hypnotize spellbind ravish allure kindle stimulate infatuate rivet inspire enliven intensify incite inspirit quicken irritate exalt inform galvanize electrify heighten enthuse ignite agitate disturb embitter worsen infuriate exacerbate enrage roil rile incense foment annoy exasperate get burn madden vex increase grate heat fan gall put out heat up fire up steam up move turn on enkindle
Intoxicate antonyms
explain explicate enlighten clear up clarify deaden displease refuse disgust offend reject incite release liberate delight calm prevent deter dissuade tire disenchant repulse turn off discourage repel bore depress forget free let go stop disenthrall disinterest soothe slow weaken retard hire dull lull quiet appease comfort pacify aid alleviate placate tranquilize extinguish make happy help lose quench cool receive
Usage of Intoxicate in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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