Invade meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Invade
As verb : अतिक्रमण होना Ex:  They sat off with their armours to invade the U.A.E.
अभियान करना Ex:  Three columns were to invade Zululand आक्रमण करना Ex:  Mussolini sent Italian forces to invade Corfu during the "Corfu Incident". आसादन Ex:  France and Britain also prepared to invade Norway उपसंहरण Ex:  10 Byzantine ships, and large quantities of gold to invade Apulia . घुस जाना Ex:  In 1177, a fleet of 150 ships was also sent by Manuel I to invade Egypt चढाई करना Ex:  The first Germanic tribes to invade Hispania arrived in the 5th century चढा़ई करना Ex:  France had threatened to invade the Spanish Colony of Santo Domingo. चढ़ाई करना Ex:  She feared that the French planned to invade England and put Mary धावा करना Ex:  The parties agreed that Israel would invade the Sinai. पढाई करना Ex:  Nomadic tribes from the north began to invade in the 4th century CE पढ़ाई करना Ex:  Rwanda and Uganda undertook to invade Congo again भीँजना Ex:  He then threatened to invade Rwanda. में दखल देना Ex:  Simultaneously, another army would invade Navarre
Other : दबा लेना Ex:  Roosevelt and Churchill told Stalin about the plan to invade France in 1944 हमला करना Ex:  Raymond was emboldened to invade Cilicia
Invade synonyms
raid violate plunder pillage ravage occupy breach storm infect penetrate loot infest overrun maraud permeate crash burglarize infringe interfere access trespass assault pervade foray assail entrench meddle inroad overspread burst in descend upon fall on go in make inroads muscle in overswarm swarm over
Invade antonyms
aid assist protect surrender help give receive leave alone yield
Usage of Invade in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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