Invest meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Invest
As verb : अधिकार देना Ex:  Donot invest your money in unlisted companies.
आफर Ex:  I advised him not to invest in shares as the market is weak.
The car was going with weak lights.
उरेहनापु Ex:  Don't invest all your money in one company . गुलचानापु Ex:  As his plan evolved, he got Rogers and several others to invest in it. घेवरनापु Ex:  In fact, Fuchs expected Ruth to invest some of his money in the team. चित्रीकरण, चित्रीकार Ex:  And Austrians invest and export relatively little to the US डेना Ex:  Even Africans are reluctant to invest locally धन लगाना Ex:  The anti-Spartan allies then attempted to invest Lechaeum नियोजन करना Ex:  The success of the Los Angeles encouraged the US Navy to invest in its own निवेश करना Ex:  Smith claimed that an individual would invest a resource पदवी पर नियत करना Ex:  Give time to something, use Y, invest time परिनिर्वपण Ex:  Surrounding, invest a place so as to remove any communication , any means of outside aid or escape to those who are there पूँजी लगाना Ex:  Action to invest a place, a city, etc पूंजी लगाना Ex:  We invest the enemy in his camp प्रदान करना प्रसंजन युक्त करना रुपया लगाना लगाना उ:   ईधन के काम में आने वाले वृक्षों का लगाना भी बहुत जरूरी है। विनिधान करना विनियोजित करना विनिहित करना विभूषित करना वौकाना सजाना सन्निवेश समुत्सर्ग साँपधरन साझना सिंगारना, सिँगारना
Invest ki paribhasha : sab or se aabaddh karake mndl ya sima ke andar laana kisi vastu par se apana svatv hataakar usapar doosare ka svatv sthaapit karana ek padaarth ke tal ke saath doosare padaarth ka tal milana
Invest synonyms
provide devote supply spend lend endue advance plunge loan stake back bankroll sink infuse entrust endow imbue lay out salt away buy into buy stock get into go in for pick up the tab plow back into put in put up dough adopt establish install authorize vest license empower bequeath ordain initiate charge consecrate sanction inaugurate honor induct instate enthrone
Invest antonyms
increase divest take rise take out take away reject disallow disapprove refuse close end
Usage of Invest in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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