Irrelevant meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Irrelevant
As adjective : अंट संट Ex:  He gives irrelevant answers.
अप्रसक्त Ex:  an irrelevant comment अप्रासंगिक Ex:  That is a seperate issue and irrelevant to our discussion. उ:   अन्य जानकारी निर्णय निर्माता के लिए अप्रासंगिक और भ्रमित हो सकता है। अप्रास‌ंगिक Ex:  How one's character was determined is irrelevant from this perspective. अमेली Ex:  The type of nucleic acid is irrelevant to the shape of the genome. अयुव Ex:  His will is irrelevant असंबद्ध Ex:  Supporters of human space travel state that this is irrelevant उ:   ब्राजील में दुनिया में सबसे ज्यादा असंबद्ध लोगों की संख्या है। असंवध Ex:  If the Speaker finds that a member is making irrelevant remarks अस‌ंग Ex:  He went on to say that the prize "was completely irrelevant for me. अस‌ंगत Ex:  Gaye's marriage with Anna was crumbling and he continued to feel irrelevant अस‌ंबद्ध Ex:  Besides, such a list may become irrelevant after some time . ऊटपटाँग Ex:  By extension, it is said of a person who is in a case, in a society without be irrelevant ऊरमधूरम Ex:  displease, bored, tired by assiduity, speeches, requests, a presence irrelevant पाल्लाविक Ex:  He talked about it irrelevant बेजोड Ex:  It also means figuratively and familiarly Insert irrelevant उ:   उक्त मंदिर प्राचीन स्थापत्य कला एवं मुर्तिकला का बेजोड नमूना है। बेफजूल Ex:  It is irrelevant to follow this opinion or the other बेमतलब Ex:  It should not be irrelevant to warm बेमसरफ Ex:  Laugh irrelevant बेलगाव Ex:  The one, the one that gives advice irrelevant विस‌ंगत Ex:  He also says things that displease, that tire because they are irrelevant or seem out of सेँतमेँत Ex:  it is a man of no consequence, said of a man whose opinions, whose shares are irrelevant
Other : असंगत Ex:  The addition of a seemingly irrelevant acronym ऊलजलूल Ex:  Doing boring and irrelevant remonstrances बेहूदा Ex:  The one, the one that used to do boring and irrelevant remonstrances विसंगत Ex:  This is irrelevant
Irrelevant ki paribhasha : jisaka koi arth ya prayojan na ho jo kisi kaary ka na ho
Irrelevant synonyms
immaterial trivial inappropriate inconsequential extraneous unnecessary unimportant unrelated pointless insignificant foreign garbage impertinent inapplicable inapt out of order outside remote unconnected unapt inapposite inappurtenant inapropos not connected with not germane not pertaining to off the point off the topic out of place without reference
Irrelevant antonyms
meaningful relevant consequential useful valuable worthwhile appropriate needed pertinent related essential important substantial significant necessary
Usage of Irrelevant in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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