Irretrievable meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Irretrievable
As adjective : अनभ्यारोह्य
अनाप्त्य अनासाद्य अप्रतिष्ठाप्य अप्राप्य उ:   वर्तमान में दोनो अप्राप्य हैं। दुबारा पाने के अयोग्य सुदुर्लभ
Irretrievable synonyms
forlorn vain futile despondent sad downcast despairing gone hard up inconsolable irremediable useless wretched goner back to the wall dead duck desponding in the soup in the toilet irrecoverable no-chance no-way no-win running out of time sunk up against it up the creek at end of one's rope can't win broken destroyed hopeless impossible incorrigible incurable ruined cureless irreplaceable beyond repair irredeemable irremedial uncorrectable unrecoverable permanent immutable certain changeless constant doomed established fated final indelible inevitable invariable predetermined settled unalterable predestined unrepealable unreversible absent adrift disoriented invisible vanished hidden misplaced missed lacking strayed wandering forfeit obscured mislaid minus astray down the drain off-course wayward without forfeited disappeared at sea cast away fallen between cracks gone astray kiss goodbye nowhere to be found out the window unredeemed beyond recall
Irretrievable antonyms
cheerful joyful confident content satisfied contented satisfactory happy hopeful secure unworried calm reparable fixable mendable repairable alterable changeable reversible revocable successful winning existing living aware cognizant seen accomplishing found alive existent attentive
Usage of Irretrievable in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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